We are excited to announce the collaboration with the organizers of Southwestern Invitational David and Jennifer Kloss. Southwestern Invitational is a premier ballroom dance competition in Dallas TX for more than 25 years. This year competition will be held in Sheraton DFW hotel.

David Kloss is an luminous leader in the ballroom industry for over 30 years and has won numerous awards including:
United States 9 Dance Champion
United States American Ballroom Champion
United States Rising Star Standard Champion
And more.

Jennifer Kloss has been a Pro/Am teacher for over 25 years and has always loved sharing her passion of dance with others. She has her Master's degree in Social Work and works at a nonprofit organization as the fundraising events coordinator.
We are very excited to announce this first time special Southwestern Invitational Grant for youth this year. Ballroom Spirit Foundation is a nonprofit organization that serves to support young amateur competitors between 16-21 years of age in the study of ballroom dancing.
Please visit us online at ballroomspirit.org to start the application. To qualify for the Southwestern Invitational grant, you need to:
1. Submit your Ballroom Spirit Story
2. Follow Ballroom Spirit & Southwestern Invitational Facebook Pages
3. Share this post on your social networks
The best story wins and we can’t wait to hear yours. We are looking for exciting details about how and why did you start dancing, what dancing means to you and what does dancing mean in your future.
We will judge the story by:
1. Your commitment and ability
2. Your financial needs
3. Your willingness in giving back to the dancing community
We will announce the grant in the grand ballroom at the event and you must be present to receive it!
By submitting the application you also enter for the lottery of 2 pairs of brand New Apple AirPods for your dance practices! We ask that you be present with your partner in the ballroom to receive the prize.
Your ballroom spirit journey doesn’t end at the conclusion of the Southwestern Invitational 2019. You can improve your ballroom spirit story with pictures and apply for the Ballroom Spirit year-end Grant on our website.
The 2019 year-end grant recipients will be announced in December 2019. Details about Ballroom Spirit Grant will be sent out to our e-mail list subscribers, please make sure you have registered on our website.
Meanwhile feel free to reach out to us and tell about your needs regarding competition, costume or private lesson funding. We read all of your e-mails and get back to each and every one.
See you in Dallas!